Downhill Mountain Biking Downhill Mountain Biking Basics 2

Published on July 24th, 2014 | by Arp Smith


Downhill Mountain Biking Basics

Can you feel it?

The rush of wind on your face.

The thumping in your chest as you slide down a trail that is a little steeper and trickier than you thought?

Mounting biking is a sport for all ages and skill levels.  Mastering a few simple skills will aid in the enjoyment of cruising through forests and mountainsides.

One of the most critical skills is going downhill.  Here are a few quick tips to make your next downhill adventure less terrifying:

  1. Lower your seat.  Before any epic downhill, take a minute to lower your seat about an inch to help lower your center of gravity.
  2. Slide back in the saddle and grip the seat with your inner thighs.  This provides more control and stability.
  3. Pump your brakes.  Sliding is your worst enemy, so alternating your back brake with your front break keeps your speed under control without going into a slide.

Downhill Mountain Biking Basics 1

For an in-depth look at downhill mountain biking, check out our Complete Guide to downhill mountain biking.  Now get off your butt and go for a ride!

The Complete Guide can be found at:

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